
M.F.A. Thesis

M.F.A. Thesis

M.F.A. Thesis

M.F.A. Thesis


My thesis uses energy and vibrancy to create an explosion of forms, colors, and textures that cuts through to an audience numb from constant media bombardment. Through mixing and layering different form languages, I create design that represents the dynamism of life that people can recognize and respond to. In different ways, audiences are numb from and weary of the multitude of social pleas they are confronted with. They then withdraw into a shell of denial and apathy that can be difficult to pierce. Mixing and layering of form languages is a powerful tool which serves to cut through this shell and builds a positive energy around social message.

Poster Mockup Template7
Poster Mockup Template white
Poster f6f4f2 960x960
Poster Mockup Template23

Humanitarian Water Bottle

MFA water 960x960 2
MFA card 480x480
MFA card3 480x480

Breast Cancer Stationary

MFA card2
MFA card1

Eco Bags

mfa bags
MFA bulb 960x960 green

Energy saving package design

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